Kibuka, Mejor sushi de Barcelona

Kibuka in Plateselector’s top 5 sushi of Barcelona

Plateselector’s Internet-based gastronomic platform ranks Kibuka in its top 5 of Japanese temples in its article “THE BEST SUSHI OF BARCELONA” and describes Kibuka as “… the ideal place to enjoy a Japanese gastronomic experience”. Among other things, it…

Street Kibuka, sushi Barcelona, Palo Alto

Street Kibuka at the Palo Market Fest

Street Kibuka will be present at the next special edition of the Palo Market Fest that will take place at Fabra & Coats Factory from 28 to 30 April.…

Street Kibuka, sushi Barcelona, Palo Alto

Street Kibuka at Palo Alto Market Garden

This Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of March , we’ll be waiting for you at Street Kibuka at Palo Alto Market Garden! The edition “Contemporary Girls” offers visitors the best gastronomy, music, design, activities and proximity handmade products, in…